Computer Vision Data and Annotation

Computer Vision Data and Annotation

If you already have a data annotation tool or prefer to bring your own, our Computer Vision data analysts team will be ready to work. NLPC becomes an extension of your skilled team, working together with your own Machine Learning and Data Analysis team to seamlessly support your data labeling project with consistent, high-quality image and video data annotation.

– NLPC scales the Computer Vision Data and Annotation process for you.

Computer Vision Data and Annotation

Image labeling and annotation for computer vision involves any of the following techniques

Bounding Box

The technique draws a box around the object of interest on the image. It is used in objects that are fairly symmetrical, such as pedestrians, cars, and street signs.

Masking (for anonymization)

This is used to hide or highlight certain areas in an image. At NLPC we have also used it to mask personal data (faces).


With a polyline, the data analyst manually creates continuous lines consisting of one or several segments.


With landmarking, our data analysts plot features in the data. This is typically used in facial recognition to identify facial features, emotions, and expressions.

3-D Cuboid

Are similar to bounding boxes but provide additional depth information about the object. Use 3D cuboids to get a 3D representation of the object, allowing systems to distinguish features like volume and position in a 3D space.

Object Tracking

Is used to mark and trail the movement of a given object [the target] across several video frames.


These are brief text explanations to help understand how and why something on the screen. They typically appear on the side or bottom of a wireframe, describing the functional purpose of individual elements or of the screens.


This technique is used to highlight the vertices or highest points of the object of interest in an image.


This technique is used to mark the text found in videos or images.

Computer Vision Annotation Software, Workforce and Budget Commitment

Closed budget? Tight deadlines? No Computer Annotation platform? Not to worry… NLPC is used to work with strict deadlines  and to budget and uses state-of-the-art Computer Vision annotation software.

You can count on elastic, fully managed, end-to-end data annotation service for one, inclusive price. And if you don’t have your own platform, we will recommend the option for your particular image / video project. In our packaged solutions, all of the software and workforce is included, simplifying your experience so you can focus on innovation.

Expertise and quality for any Computer Vision Data and Annotation use case

It is said that Artificial Intelligence is the science that uses computers and machines to mimic the reasoning abilities that we humans use intuitively for problem-solving and decision-making.  We help you to train machines to interpret and understand the visual world that we humans understand intuitively.

For Computer Vision algorithms to “see” like humans, a high volume of accurately labeled training data is needed, and there many ways to obtain such data….

Of course you could send your Computer Vision labeling project to an unknown crowd, an unscrupulous vendor or outsourcer, or even API them to a faceless platform. But if you want to stand proud and differentiate yourself from the competition, your project and training data needs are unique – and this is where NLPC helps.

From masking to identify persons and anonymize their identities to the use of polygons or  bounding boxes, from object tracking to semantic segmentation and keypoint annotation, our experienced data analysts apply years of experience and best practices. And you only reach that experience after annotating millions of images and videos for the most demanding use cases that require best-in-class data labeling for computer vision… as we have done for leaders around the world.

Why Choose Us


We Understand You

Our team is made up of Machine Learning and Deep Learning engineers, linguists, software personnel with years of experience in the development of machine translation and other NLP systems.

We don’t just sell data – we understand your business case.

Extend Your Team

Our worldwide teams have been carefully picked and have served hundreds of clients across thousands of use cases, from the from simple to the most demanding.

Quality that Scales

Proven record of successfully delivering accurate data in a secure way, on time and on budget. Our processes are designed to scale and also change with your growing needs and projects.

Predictability through subscription model

Do you need a regular influx of annotated data services? Are you working on a yearly budget? Our contract terms include all you need to predict ROI and succeed thanks to predictable hourly pricing designed to remove the risk of hidden costs.

Ready to get started? We are.

We’d love the opportunity to answer your questions or learn more about your project. Let us know how we can help.


What they say

Maite Melero Leader ML Group

Thanks to the tons of parallel corpora, we have been able to grow our engines and scale accuracy at a speed and rate unseen before.

European Data and NLP Company COO

Thank you for your efforts on computer vision image acquisition and language corpora from human translation. NLPC's regular supplies are fundamental to our business

Laurent Bié Senior Data Scientist

NLPC has been pivotal in the acquisition of trustable parallel corpora and speech data in Asian languages. We have freed internal resources as NLPC turns around thousands of human translation and speech recordings improving our training times.